
Best Ways to Send Money to Mali

Find fast, low cost transfers, the best exchange rates, and top rated customer support on transfers to Mali.

Read on for reviews, expert advice, and all you need to transfer money to Mali easily.

Jonathan Merry
Jonathan Merry
5 minutes
November 22nd, 2023
Recommended Provider

OFX is our recommended provider for sending money to Mali. This is based on having the best rates, fees and transfer times.

Compare rates and fees for sending money to Mali

There are multiple ways to easily send and receive money in Mali but these will largely depend on the provider you decide to use.

What’s the Fastest Way to Send Money to Mali?

The fastest way to send money to Mali is through Ria Money Transfer’s fast option. With Ria Money Transfer’s fast option, your money will reach its Malian destination in a matter of minutes. The fast option is also very affordable and costs less than most of Ria Money Transfer’s slower competition. The main drawback to Ria Money Transfer is that some users complain of hassles and a platform which isn’t the easiest to use. When it comes to their fast option, you can be sure you’re getting a good deal when it comes to both speed and cost.

What’s the Cheapest Way to Send Money to Mali?

Transfast offers you the cheapest way to send money to Mali. Transfast charges low fees across the board. They are also fairly fast and most transfers are completed in a day or two.

When it comes to their actual fees, Transfast makes more money from stated fees than hidden currency conversion markups. This way at least you know roughly how much you will have to spend upfront.

What’s the Easiest Way to Send Money to Mali?

The easiest way to send money to Mali is through Payoneer. With Payoneer, you can choose between one of several money transfer methods to suit your needs. We recommend you use Payoneer to send money to top up either the recipient’s debit card or their mobile money account. Both of these options offer greater convenience and security. With the debit card method, the recipient can withdraw the money right away upon the transfer’s completion. You can also opt to send your Payoneer balance to a bank account if that suits you better.

What’s the Overall Best Way to Send Money to Mali?

The overall best way to send money to Mali is through Ria Money Transfer. For the sake of getting the best deal possible, we recommend using their fast option. Ria Money Transfer’s fast option gives you a great balance between cost and speed. If you are not in a rush and would prefer cheaper rates, their slow option is a simple and viable alternative which you can use with the same account. With Ria Money Transfer, you have a service that is very accessible and generally well-rounded.

The USD to XOF exchange rate

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Frequently Asked Questions About Mali Money Transfers

What is the currency of Mali?
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Jonathan Merry
Jonathan is the founder and editor of Jonathan is highly experienced in the currency transfer market, having previously worked in the FX trading industry, alongside being an avid traveller. Using his knowledge he identified a need for transparency and further education to help people save money on their money transfers, leading to the creation of