/Currency Converter/AUD Exchange Rates

Live AUD Exchange Rates

4 minutes
February 22nd, 2024

Compare currency exchange rates for Australian Dollar and all other currencies. Learn more about how exchange rates work (and how to always secure the best ones) with our AUD exchange rate hub.

How to get the best AUD exchange rate

Whether you’re buying or selling AUD, to give yourself the best chance of getting a favorable rate on your transfer, you should:

  1. Keep an eye on the mid-market rate: The exchange rate for AUD and other currencies can change by the minute, responding to real life events and situations. Keeping an eye on the current exchange rate can make it easier to notice and act on any fluctuations, potentially helping you capitalize on favorable rates when they occur.

  2. Sign up for rate alerts: With our free service, you can receive a personalized email updating you on the exchange rates for AUD and any other chosen currency. The frequency of these updates is entirely up to you - weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

  3. Understand the impact of timing: Major economic events or announcements by central banks can influence exchange rates. If possible, consider the timing of your transfer to potentially benefit from these fluctuations. However, predicting such changes is complex and not always guaranteed to bring better results.

What affects AUD exchange rates?

The costs involved in purchasing and trading AUD are determined by various factors.

  • The currency you’re exchanging it with

  • The economic actions and behaviors of the currency’s country or group of countries

  • The amount of debt associated with a country or a group of countries that utilize a particular currency.

  • The status of inflation rates, interest rates, and the overall condition of the economy.

  • Speculation and confidence in a country’s economy or government

Some currencies are more stable than others, owing to the strength of the given country’s economy, its gold reserves, its political stability and other factors. For example, the Swiss franc and the Japanese yen are two of the most stable currencies in the world, seen in their relatively steady exchange rates.

Need to Transfer AUD?

When it comes to sending money internationally, you don't just want to wing it. The right information and tools can make the whole process easier and ensure you're getting the best value for your money.

The first step in converting your AUD is to compare different money transfer services. Each service offers different exchange rates, which can greatly influence the total sum you'll end up with after the conversion. Some services might take a larger cut, leaving you with less at the end. Others might offer more attractive exchange rates, but make up for it with additional fees.

Making a well-informed decision can save you time and money. that's why it's crucial to consider these factors to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.

To help you navigate this process, we built a free comparison tool that helps you review and identify the best international money transfer companies that align with your needs. It's simple to use and allows you to compare rates from a range of providers, including banks and online money transfer services. It also takes into account key factors such as fees, transfer speed, and payment methods, giving you a comprehensive understanding of what to expect from each service.

Remember, converting AUD is not just about getting the best exchange rate. The speed of the transfer can be just as important, especially if you're sending money overseas for urgent matters - so you may want to have a look at the cheapest money transfer services as well as at the ones that offer the fastest way to transfer money internationally. Having various payment methods can also make the process easier and more convenient.

If you're new to sending money internationally, picking a trustworthy provider can be a bit challenging. To help you with this, we've done our homework and compiled detailed reviews of the top money transfer service providers for 2024.