/News/Revolut Launches RevPoints: Loyalty Rewards Programme Includes Airmiles

Revolut Launches RevPoints: Loyalty Rewards Programme Includes Airmiles

Luke Eales
Luke Eales
1 minutes
June 19th, 2024
Revolut Launches RevPoints: Loyalty Rewards Programme Includes Airmiles

Revolut announced this week the UK launch of their brand new RevPoints programme.

The RevPoints rewards scheme has been on trial with a subset of UK customers since September 2023. In the trial, over one billion RevPoints have been earned, with close to 120 million redeemed for rewards.

Reward categories include travel discounts, accommodation upgrades, exclusive experiences and, to the excitement of many, airmiles. Over 30 airline loyalty progammes can have points transferred to them from Revolut, including British Airways Executive Club.

Points are valid for three years after they are received, after which they expire.

Customers who spend £2,500 a month could earn up to 30,000 RevPoints per year, which could cover the cost of a round trip between New York and London, or a £600 hotel saving.

You can see the full terms and conditions relating to RevPoints and their usage here.

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Christopher Guttridge, General Manager of Lifestyle Products at Revolut, commented: “At Revolut we’re all about helping people get more for their money. RevPoints is set to transform everyday spending into things and experiences people love, by converting routine purchases into rewards.

"Unlike many loyalty programmes, we make RevPoints accessible to all by ensuring customers can maximise the benefits of using Revolut as their primary bank account without requiring a credit card.”

In addition to the loyalty scheme, Revolut is also integrating with CMC Markets to offer customers the chance to buy and sell bonds.

This is part of Revolut's push to become a comprehensive 'everything' app for all things finance.

Via bobsguide and City AM


Luke Eales
Luke is CEO at, with 10 years' experience building consumer products in finance, insurance & travel. Luke focuses on the payments sector and foreign exchange markets, as well as personal finance more broadly.