What is a CVV code?
The CVV (Card Verification Value) is the three digit number on the back of your Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card. On American Express cards, it is a four digit number. The CVV number may also be known as the CSC (Card Security Code) and some Australian banks, such as Commonwealth bank, may refer to it as a PCSC (Printed Card Security Code). This code is used to verify that you are in possession of the debit or credit card you are using, and helps to protect your account if your card number should fall into the hands of hackers.
It’s important to note that a CVV is not your Personal Identification Number (PIN). You should never provide your PIN when paying for something online.
How else can I protect my card from hackers?
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, around 3.7% became victims of credit card fraud and 72% of all card fraud incidents were from card-not-present (CNP) transactions. These occur when credit card details are stolen and then used to make fraudulent payments over the internet, telephone or by mail order. In 2021, Commonwealth Bank introduced a mobile app feature called ‘Lock, Block and Limit’ which allows users to both block suspicious transactions and set daily limits on their bank accounts.
Many Australian banks, such as Australian Unity use SMS OTP for users making one time payments or setting up new payees. Users will be sent a randomly generated six number code to a registered Australian mobile number, which they will need to enter to complete the transaction.
Can I send money without CVV code?
If you’re looking to send money or make an online payment with your card, then you will need your CVV code to process the payment. You can make a card payment without a CVV. You can learn more about making wire transfers with a credit card in our guide.
However, if you are using a money transfer service, there may be some equally secure alternatives that you can use instead of your card. These include:
Using a peer-to-peer service for online payments. If you are making a purchase online, you could use a peer-to-peer service such as PayPal, provided you have already linked your bank account to your PayPal account. Many online retailers offer PayPal as a payment option, meaning you simply need your email and password to login to your PayPal account to complete your transaction rather than entering your card details directly into the retailer’s website.

Sending money by bank transfer
An alternative to sending money if you don’t have your CVV number to hand is to pay for your money transfer by bank transfer. This way, the funds will be drawn directly from your bank account rather than needing your card details. You will need to provide the following information to send money by bank transfer:
Your name
Your bank account number and sort code
The bank details of the account you want the money to be sent to and the name associated with this account
Sending money as cash
Another option is to send your money by cash. A few money transfer providers, such as Western Union and MoneyGram, provide the option of sending international transfers via cash, with your recipient either picking up the cash at the other end of receiving the funds directly into their bank account.
Of course, if you are looking to send money electronically, this isn’t going to be the best option for you.
Does PayPal require a CVV?
When you are first linking your card details to your PayPal account, you will need to provide your CVV as well as the long card number on the front of your card and the expiration date.
Alternatively, you can link your bank account to your PayPal account, which will require your bank account number and sort code. Once you’ve linked these details, you won’t need to provide your CVV number for every online transaction when paying with your PayPal account, as these details will already be recorded.
Bottom line
CVV codes are an important layer of security to verify your identity when making payments online, adding another step of protection should your card details fall into the hands of the wrong people. As such, your CVV is an essential requirement when making an online payment and sending money.
For international money transfers, the best alternative is to send money directly via a bank transfer, which means you won’t need to provide your card details.