/Send money/To Australia/From United Kingdom

Compare the best ways to send money from United Kingdom to Australia

Get the best deals when you transfer from United Kingdom to Australia. Find the cheapest, fastest, and most reliable providers with the best GBP to AUD exchange rates.

Read on for the best deals, expert information, and all you need to send money to Australia from United Kingdom.

Money Transfer Comparison
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Overall best choice: Wise

Wise is our top pick for GBP to AUD transfers.

We tested & reviewed dozens of money transfer providers, and Wise scored highly.

Wise appeared in 87.9% of United Kingdom to Australia searches, and was the top rated company out of 16 that support GBP to AUD.

So for a great mix of cost, speed & features, make your United Kingdom to Australia transfer using Wise.


How to get the best deal on your United Kingdom to Australia transfer

Summary of recent searches

Top rated for transfers from United Kingdom to Australia
Total number of GB - AU providers
Average cheapest fees & rate
Average fastest transfer
Average transfer time
Within minutes
Best for bank transfers
Best for debit card
Best for credit card

Important things to consider before sending money from United Kingdom to Australia

Compare providers

Don't settle for the first option. Always compare ways to send money from United Kingdom to Australia to find out about fees, speed, and reliability.

Our analysis included 16 providers that operate between United Kingdom and Australia.

Through this, you get a comprehensive view of all the options you have in United Kingdom when you need to send money to Australia.

Think about the Pound Sterling-Australian Dollar exchange rate
Choose the right payment method
Keep your money safe
Consider transfer limits
How to receive money in Australia
Have your ID ready
Don't forget about taxes

Cheapest way to send money to Australia from United Kingdom: Instarem

Get the lowest fees with Instarem - the cheapest transfer service at just $1.34 per transaction*

Data collected over the past six months show that Instarem is 0% cheaper than the second-best option.

The £1.34 transfer cost represents the most common fee for GBP to AUD international transfers, based on data from the past six months.

If you want to secure the best rates on a GBP to Australia transfer, make sure you pick Instarem to send your money online.

*The most common fee applied to GBP-AUD by Instarem, based on data from the past six months.


Fastest way to send money from United Kingdom to Australia: Profee

Need to send money fast? Pick Profee and get your funds from United Kingdom to Australia at speed.

Our data shows that Profee came up as the fastest way to send money from United Kingdom to Australia in 42.3% of searches. This makes them well suited to urgent GBP to AUD money transfers.

The 'fastest' way to send money is defined by the overall speed of sending money from United Kingdom to Australia - this includes deposit, transfer and withdrawal timeframes and often differs per currency. 

When speed matters, Profee is your best choice at the moment. This service emerged as the quickest way to send money to Australia from United Kingdom in 42.3% of the searches on over the past six months.

Need to send over $10,000?

For those big moves, competitive pricing & strong customer service are key.

Opt for a service proven with large transfers when size matters. For transfers over $10,000, your best bet is Wise.

While Wise may not always be the cheapest or fastest way to send GBP from United Kingdom to Australia, it’s the provider that will keep you safe and relaxed while your money moves into AUD.

Understanding the costs involved when moving money from United Kingdom to Australia

When calculating the costs of money transfers between United Kingdom and Australia, here's what really matters:

The Mid-Market Rate: Today, the GBP-AUD mid-market rate equals to 1.927557 AUD per Pound Sterling. Keep in mind that this rate fluctuates all the time.

The GBP-AUD average exchange rate of the past three months has been 1.9165 AUD per Pound Sterling, with a high of 1.9489 and a low of 1.8628.

Fees and Markups: That's where Wise shines, combining the best of both worlds: excellent GBP to AUD rates that are only -0.01% away from the average.

How to find the best exchange rate for Pound Sterling to Australian Dollar

Timing is essential sending money between GBP and AUD. The exchange rate you secure impacts how much AUD you get for your GBP.

Mid-market Rate
= 1.927557 AUD

Let's dive into some interesting recent trends.

  • Over the past six months, the exchange rate from GBP to AUD has seen some fluctuation. On average, it stood at 1.9165.

  • During this period, the highest value recorded was 1.9489, while the lowest was 1.8628.

  • Wise, which is our recommended service to send money online from United Kingdom to Australia offers an exchange rate that is only 0% above the mid-market rate.

Want to secure the best GBP-Australian Dollar exchange rates?

Sign up for our rate alerts and we'll tell you when it's the best time to move your money from United Kingdom to Australia!

Payment methods available to fund your United Kingdom to
Australia transfer

  • Bank transfers

    Bank transfers are often the default option for sending money from United Kingdom to Australia.

    By using a money transfer company such as Instarem for transfers from United Kingdom to Australia, you can send money via a bank transfer while benefitting from lower fees and more favorable exchange rates. 

    On average, Instarem is the cheapest provider for bank transfers from the 16 we tested when sending GBP to Australia.

    With an average fee of GBP0 to send money from United Kingdom to Australia, Instarem offers a great combination of competitive exchange rates and lower fees.

  • Debit and prepaid cards

    Sending money from United Kingdom to Australia with a debit or a prepaid card is very simple with Wise.

    Wise is a leader in debit card payments for transfers from United Kingdom to Australia, competing among a total of 16 active money transfer companies on this route. They consistently rank at the top in this category.

  • Credit cards

    When it comes to credit card transfers from United Kingdom to Australia, Wise emerges as our top choice of the 16 companies offering this service.

    Our comparison engine's last six months of data on GBP to AUD searches show Wise has been ranked as the cheapest provider.

    Fee alert: using a credit card to transfer money often results in a fee being charged by your card issuer. That's why we recommend bank transfer or debit card instead.

How we analyze the market

We track the cost, speed, and product offerings of the leading money transfer services available between Australia and United Kingdom.

Our comparison engine and algorithms evaluate providers based on over 25 factors.

We also consider how these services are rated on platforms like TrustPilot, AppStore, and Google Play, giving you a comprehensive view of what to expect.

This thorough analysis helps you get the best available deal - every time you want to move money from United Kingdom to Australia .

We also provide unbiased and detailed reviews of all the top money transfer companies. You can use these reviews to send GBP to AUD.

For a deeper understanding of our commitment to integrity and transparency, we invite you to read our editorial policy document.

Money transfer company reviews


How much money can be transferred from United Kingdom to Australia?
Are there any tax implications to sending money from United Kingdom to Australia?
Can I send money from United Kingdom to Australia with
What are the typical transfer fees for sending Pound Sterlings to Australia through various providers?
How long does it take to send money from United Kingdom to Australia?
What is the best exchange rate I can get for sending money from United Kingdom to Australia?
Are there any minimum or maximum transfer amounts for sending money from United Kingdom to Australia?
Can I schedule regular transfers between United Kingdom and Australia?


Giovanni Angioni
Giovanni Angioni, a journalist specialized in financial and political topics, has written for well-known outlets like La Stampa, Repubblica, the Economist, and Politico. His background in political sciences complements his extensive experience in covering major international events such as ASEAN and NATO summits, and European Council meetings. His insightful approach to global finance and politics enriches his role at, where he focuses on making personal finance relatable and understandable for a broad audience.